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Saturday 21 July 2018


Today’s Gospel says that the disciples have just returned from their first mission trip without Jesus. The apostles gather together with Jesus and report all they have done and taught. Jesus says to them, “You must come away to some lonely place all by yourselves and rest for a while,” (LK 6:31).

The disciples spend themselves in preaching ministry and once they return He pulls them away in order to recharge their batteries. Without the Lord Jesus, we are nothing. We need that intimate connection with Him. If we neglect our time with the Lord, it won’t be long before we run out of energy. We cannot be His servants without His Power, and that Power only comes from Jesus.

Jesus knows that we may fail in our ministry because of exhaustion and tiredness. Every leader, catechism teacher and servant must be grounded with faith and prayer. We are all uniquely gifted with spiritual gifts, talents and abilities to serve our families and parishes.

Jesus has placed us in our parish with a special plan and purpose. He is going to use us in the ways that we never thought possible.

Do you want to make a difference in your parish? So, keep up the holy task that you are undertaking.

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