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Saturday 21 April 2018


On Sunday, 15 April 2018, our Catechism students showcased an exhibition and performance, in line with the theme “Care for the Common Home” (Laudato Si). The students, along with their parents and teachers, gathered at Dewan Monsignor Anthony Thomas at 10.30am, where products crafted with recycled material such as aluminum cans, old newspapers, magazines, egg cartons, plastic, plastic bottles, and aluminum foil, were displayed.

Some of the recycled exhibits were quite interesting and informative, and there were some eye-catching craft items too. There was a fancy dress display, using only recycled materials such as plastic, old CDs and paper which highlighted the importance of recycling, as well as to remind us not to deliberately litter or waste precious resources, and to reduce the use of plastic.

I was happy to see parents attend the exhibition and enjoy the children’s presentations. A video slide was shown to parents, informing them on how to protect, preserve and restore the Earth’s natural environment. The objective of this  awareness programme was to awaken the parents’ role in educating their children about the importance of conserving our environment. This event has sparked a conscious decision amongst our children and parents to make a serious effort and take steps towards being responsible and accountable for the protection of our planet.

In what ways can we help preserve and protect our environment for the next generation, and reduce the destruction of eco-systems?

a   a)   We can avoid burning garbage. Instead, separate your trash and recycle items such as cans, cartons, paper and plastic bottles at designated recycling centers. Recycling items will help lessen global warming and reduce climate change.

b)   Do not litter rubbish everywhere and avoid throwing chemicals down the drain because this can cause air, water and land pollution. Dispose chemical waste responsibly.

c)    Reduce the amount of water, electricity and petrol we use. Turn off lights, televisions, air-conditioners and other appliances when not in use or when you leave the room.

d)   We should practice using our own reusable bags and containers when shopping for clothes, books or food. This will reduce the need plastic bags, which in turn, reduces waste and pollution. You also can save twenty-sen each time you shop!

e)    Print only when necessary in order to save paper and recycle the paper after using it.

f)     If possible, plant vegetables in your own backyard.

g)    Avoid driving your car if it is a short distance. or car pool when you come for Mass rather than driving separately.

Let’s play our part in conserving the environment in order to protect the future of our planet. Our efforts need not be on a grand scale - every little sacrifice, every little change in attitude - towards the betterment of our planet, helps. I believe that you can make this positive change in your daily lifestyle, to ultimately contribute towards the well-being of our home, Mother Earth.

“What kind of world do we want to leave to those who come after us, to children who are now growing up?” (POPE FRANCIS’ Encyclical “Laudato Si’ – On the Care of Common home”).

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