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Tuesday 18 November 2014

Well done, my good and faithful servant!

We all have so many fine qualities given freely to us by God. They are like the talents handed by the master to his servants before he left on his trip as in the parable today (MT 25:14-30). God expects us to develop the talents and gifts. He expects us to put them maximum use for God and for the entire humanity.

The art of loving and developing of any talent requires discipline, concentration, patience and supreme concern for the mastery of the particular talent. Growing and progressing with our talents are never easy. We make progress and then fall back. But we should never give up because the end is so very worthwhile. Tensions come from dull and monotonous routine of looking after family and earning our daily living may not bring much personal fulfillment and satisfaction. When we do with enthusiasm and willing heart and God will make a way for you. In this way we can offer back to God the Father the life given to us more fulfilled and more enriched.

We should not compare our gifts with others jealously and resentfully. Each of us receives God’s gifts in different measures. Each of us born into a different family and different situation and background. But God gave sufficient to all according to our ability. The way to preserve the faith, or any our talent that God has given us, is to put it to work and make it bear fruit.

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