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Thursday 25 April 2013

Youth of Today

It’s sad to note that many of our youths, upon reaching a certain age or once they start college/university, slowly begin to distance themselves from the Church and church-related activities. And just like how the Good Shepherd leaves the 99 sheep and goes after that one lost sheep, we too need to draw our young people back to the Church and make them a part of the Church.

If we separate them from the Church or leave them abandoned or alienated, then we may find it hard to build a Church of young people. Parents, elders and adults should not keep a distance or create boundaries between them. Our young people today are growing up very fast in terms of maturity and world-knowledge especially with so many types if technology easily available at hand – the internet, Facebook, Twitter and so many other IT and phone applications, and at times, we the older people seek their help when we are baffled by all these new technologies.

At the same time, let’s not forget that our young people are very much in need of spiritual support and guidance. We should minister to them so that can stay focused on their walk with God and spend more quality time with their families. The Church needs the young people. At the end of day, the leaders in the various ministries of the Church should direct them according to teaching of the Church and in accordance to God’s Word. His word will direct them and help them stay on the right path and to not go astray.

I am committed to carry out my mission no matter how difficult it will be and no matter how many obstacles I will have to face and for this I ask for all your continuous prayers and support.


1 comment:

mitchell said...

Hi Fr,
Got your "water"....
Organizing a Youth Rally would be a great idea! Let it be put together by the youths...and have it in Bkt jalil...performances, praise & worship, singing and end it with a Eucharistic Celebration.
and while the fire is burning, let each district have a smaller event so that all the youths will be touched!!!
God bless you.