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Saturday 13 October 2018


Jesus gave a wealthy man an invitation to “follow Him and be a disciple.” Jesus said “go and sell what you own and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and then come, follow me.” 

Jesus saw his desire and his sincerity, and He loved him. He wanted him to become a follower and gave him that opportunity. After hearing the words of Jesus “went away sad,”(MK 10: 21-22)

This rich man had been successful in his life and earned great wealth. He had everything – power, position, wealth and prosperity. He was a good-living man, he kept all the commandments from his youth upward and he had an interest in eternal life. Yet, he filled the emptiness in his heart and life but he continued to search for something to fill the emptiness that would bring you joy in his life.

We, Christians whose whole purpose in this life on earth is not the accumulations of material goods. We shall learn from this rich man’s mistake and make use our opportunities right now to ensure that our lives leads to life eternal.

“Fill us with your love so that we may rejoice,” (Psalms 90)

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