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Saturday 6 January 2018


The Christmas story is a fascinating story and it has so much heavenly information. This weekend we have a story of Magi, the Wise men came from the East visiting the Child Jesus. The wise men brought three gifts of gold, myrrh and frankincense. Their gifts may not be practical, but they were costly and highly symbolic.
Gold was rare and expensive in the ancient world. It symbolised royalty or divinity. Frankincense, a resin harvested from trees, was used in incense for worship. Myrrh was harvested as a perfume for royal clothing or burials. 
The Magi knelt and prostrated in their worship of Jesus. These gestures indicate the great respect and reverence for a New-born King. When we kneel or bow, or when we put our hands together, all these gestures just seem to add something to our prayer and worship.

The true worship begins in the heart. True worship makes Jesus King of our lives. Christmas is almost over but keep Christ in your heart always and give Him the gift He truly desires – the gift of yourself. We need to give Him, the gift of our love. We need to love Jesus with all our heart.

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