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Tuesday 17 January 2017


Last Sunday (8th January), the Catechetical team started the registration for the catechism classes for the year 2017. The catechism classes will resume this weekend, 15th January in both Tamil and English at 8.45 am and 10.45 am respectively.

We expect parents to send their children to class early so that the kids will have time to get settled for their classes. I hope you will send your children with a warm smile and trace their foreheads with the Sign of the Cross. When you send your dear children to their respective classes do greet the other children and teachers with a warm smile, after all we are one parish community, one family.

Next week on 21st January, we will be celebrating Catechetical Sunday with the theme, “Christ Our Joy,” (Jn 15:11). Our Catechism teachers will be animating the 9.00 am Mass. During the Mass we shall commission our catechism teachers as they come forward to renew their commitment once again as Faith Educators. May our teachers not just impart their knowledge of the faith but also make a real, lasting impact on the lives of our young children to grow in a holistic and spiritual manner.

In today’s society, parents have to face many challenges but you should show your children the importance of a God-centered life. As parents we ought to understand that faith and moral education are much more important than school subjects. You have the first responsibility for the faith and moral education of your children and you should be able to guide and correct them. It will be much benefitting for our children if we come together as a family to Church every Sunday. Sunday Mass communicates to us the heart of the Christian faith.

Over the past few days, we had a number of meetings and among them were the Parish Coordinating Council (PCC) the Basic Ecclesial Community Coordinating Team (BECCOT). The PCC met last Tuesday and the BECCOT met on last Wednesday. The PCC has set up two important ministries. The first is a Parish Feast Day Committee, which will be led by Jason Gomez. This committee will plan and strategise the nine-day novena and feast day preparation. The second is the Parish New Evangelisation Ministry, which will be led by Alan Jong. This committee will solely be in charge of the various formations and events that have been planned in the year planner for this year. Soon, we will be setting up a team for a Parish Outing and Retreat. We shall update you with more information when the time comes.

This year our parish will be focusing more on the spiritual growth and faith of our parishioners. In the first quarter of the year, the Parish Prayer Group and Parish Youth Ministry have planned two events – The Life in the Spirit Seminar (LSS) and Youth Rally. We encourage every member of our parish to participate in them. May all our spiritual formations and faith educations will help us to grow stronger in our faith and in our Christian life through prayers, scriptures, Eucharist and fellowship with one other in our parish community.

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