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Sunday 30 October 2016

Zacchaeus, the Tax Collector!

Zacchaeus, a chief tax collector, was a rich man, (Lk 19: 1 -10). He was regarded as a public sinner, as a traitor and as someone who morally wrong before God.

Although he was financially well to do, he lived a life of loneliness, alienated from his own people and alienated from God as well. He was an outcast and he needed an acceptance, fulfilment and spiritually heal. His encounter with Jesus changed him completely.

Was Zacchaeus looking for Jesus? Or was it Jesus who found Zacchaeus? Apparently, it was Jesus who sought or desired Zacchaeus very much. It was Jesus who stopped under that sycamore tree. It was Jesus who looked up at the tree and found Zacchaeus.

"Today salvation has come to this house!" Zacchaeus was lost in sin, until Jesus intervened him in a merciful way. Zacchaeus experienced a new life and abundant life.

In the eyes of God, all of us are sinners like Zacchaeus. The Lord meets us at the point of our needs. Even when we feel that we are completely lost, we have to remember that Jesus can transform our lives, if we allow Him. Jesus will come into our hearts today to enlarge our souls.

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