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Saturday 12 March 2016

God's Mercy and Forgiveness

As we go on in life we tend to set a higher value on the virtues of mercy and kindness. When we look back on our lives we remember with regret acts of unkindness. Jesus was kind and merciful to individuals whom he was called to judge. The classic example is the woman caught in adultery (Jn 8:1-11).
We must learn from the example of Jesus today. Jesus condemns the woman’s sin but He didn’t condemn her. What she needed was mercy and compassion. He treated her in such a way that it made her want to reform her life. He condemned the sin and pardoned the sinner. He got her to own it and take responsibility for her wrongdoing. The compassion and forgiveness of Jesus give life to her. Jesus condemns the sin but loves the sinners.
“Be merciful as the Father is merciful,” (LK 6: 36). Merciful is essential to true justice. It is something we all stand in need of, and therefore, it is something we must be ready to extend to others. We often raise an accusation finger against another when we ourselves are in constant need of God’s mercy and forgiveness.

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