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Thursday 7 January 2016

“Gloria in Excelsis Deo!”

We are in the light of the Nativity. We want to be home at Christmas, not because Christmas experience tells us we should, but because home our sweet home is where Jesus is, and at Christmas, we long to be with Him. We want to be in a place where love lives forever.
We want to be home for Christmas, because our hearts belong there, the whole families can be together, joyfully and triumphantly, singing wholeheartedly... “Gloria in Excelsis Deo!”
Christmas is such a beautiful time of year because we celebrating the most amazing mystery of our faith, the Incarnation, the Word became flesh on Christmas Day. During this time of the year —the glow of the lights, the decorated Christmas trees, the carols, and the extra kindness and charity people show to one another – everything about it has a way of lifting one’s spirits and bringing joy to the heart. 
Isaiah is the prophet of Christmas says, “Behold a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and his name shall be called Emmanuel, (Is 7:14). "For a child is born to us, and a son is given to us, and the government is upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called, Wonderful, Counselor, God the Mighty, the Father of the world to come, the Prince of Peace, " (Is 9:5).
This is one of the most wonderful times of the year and many are waiting with anticipation to see what gifts we get this Christmas. The gift of God - the birth and life of Jesus offers us the perfect gift, "You will find a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger, " (Lk 2:12).
God gave us the ultimate gift of His Son so that we may all cherish this gift as we take the time everyday to unwrap it in our lives.

The Word Became Flesh on Christmas Day!

We had a wonderful and meaningful Advent. For some of you Advent was experienced as a little Lent – a trial and test of faith whereas for some of us it was just another liturgical season and it is over.
Now we are in the season of Christmas. We shall be celebrating this season till the feast of Baptism of the Lord (10/1/2016). Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year and many of us are filled with joy and hope. It is a time where we enjoy family gatherings and parties. Most of all Christmas season gives us beautiful liturgies, nativity scenes, exchanging of gifts, cooking, socializing and sightseeing the magnificent decorations in the surrounding neighborhoods. I hope that this will become a reflection of the beauty of the Child Jesus who ignites our human hearts.
At the start of the Jubilee Year of Mercy and our own Parish’s 2nd Mission – “Witnessing Jesus Through Works of Mercy,” let us keep the spirit of Christmas, Spirit of Joy of Christ being born in our hearts and homes. Yes! We shall bear witness to faith in Jesus Christ always and everywhere.
When you have meals together during this time of celebration with your families and with your loved ones, I believe that you do say grace before and after meals. Do add a line or two in your prayers remembering those who have little and nothing to eat. What more we can do? How can we be more charitable to them in this Year of Mercy?
Having experienced the birth of Jesus on Christmas Day let us continue to experience the tender mercy of God and as we pray patiently and fervently. We, as Christian Catholics, shall always keep Christmas holy, peaceful and joyful as a continuous commemorative to the birth of our Saviour Jesus Christ – the greatest gift to us and to our families.
During this season I invite you to take the time to listen and read the Infancy Narrative of the Christ Child from the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke. We must impact our lives and set fire to our hearts with the one who with such tenderness was made flesh for our sakes! The word became flesh…. Our Emmanuel.
Merry Christmas to one and all.
Be at peace with each other and radiate love always.
I wish you a joyous Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Enjoy your Turkey this Blessed Christmas.

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