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Saturday 26 July 2014

God's Kingdom Only Present in Christ!

What makes His Kingdom so valuable, so priceless?” (Mt 13:44-52).

Just imagine the tremendous joy the two men in the Gospel must have felt, when one discovered a hidden treasure and then he goes and sells all that he has and buys the field. And the other one, a merchant who finds a priceless pearl, then goes and sells everything he has and buys this one pearl. 

True joy is the treasure of a human soul, which lies the fulfillment of the spirit. Such a joy can only be found in God’s Kingdom that is only present in Jesus Christ. If we can discover Christ, we have found the Way, the Truth and the Life. If we have found Him, then we have access to the hidden treasures of God’s wisdom.

If God appeared to you and gave you one wish, what would you ask for? I bet most of us have a readymade list that we present to God on a regular basis anyway. We might just start at the top and put in a few bullet points under the “one wish” heading - Money, power, prestige, safety, security, a big enough nest egg to retire at 65, a promotion, a paid-off home loan, a nice long vacation. While most of us won’t get the opportunity, Solomon did.

In the first reading (1 Kgs 3: 5, 7-12), as a young King Solomon could have asked for wealth, military power, celebrity, security, prosperity, long life and happiness and he would receive them. But when God asked him to ask for one thing, he only asked for the supreme good that is wisdom from above. A wisdom that was given to Solomon, which is “a discerning judgment to distinguish between good and evil.” He knew that with wisdom comes every other good thing he needed and desired.

God's wisdom guides us in using them for the benefit of His kingdom. The more we love Christ and follow His ways, the easier it is to identify what's really valuable, separate out the junk that does not belong to God, and use everything else for His purposes.

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