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Saturday 3 May 2014

A Heart Breaking Experience!

Why were these men traveling away from Jerusalem? It is interesting to read this Sunday’s Gospel (Lk 24:13-35) that when Jesus appeared to the two disciples their faces downcast (Lk 24:17) and they were confused, unable to understand all the things that had happened in Jerusalem. Surely, it was because the death of Jesus had deeply disappointed them.

Let’s put ourselves in their shoes as they set out on the seven miles walk from Jerusalem to Emmaus. It was a HEART-BREAKING EXPERIENCE for them with the events of Good Friday.

We go through a lot of rough times and tough times in life. We lose a sense of direction and there is no answer to some of our difficulties and struggles. We become unaware of the presence of God in our lives. Then, life loses its meaning.

Human hope is a fragile thing, and when it withers or weakens then it is difficult to revive. Hopelessness of the human spirit is desperately hard to cure. When hopelessness sets in our minds then we need a companion. We need a listening ear before a stream of good advice. The last thing we need is a quick “cheering up”.

“Show us, Lord, the path of life” (Ps 15)

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