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Sunday 9 February 2014

Fostering Our True Catholic Faith

"You are the salt of the Earth... 
You are the light of the World!" (MT 5:13-16)

While we serve the world as its salt and light, we will be called to make sacrifices and even meet opposition from those who prefer to live in darkness and refuse to approach light. This may sting or hurt like salt on open wound. We need not lose courage for we are only doing God’s work as St Paul reminds us that his success only through the power of the Spirit of God - "Your faith should not depend on human philosophy but on the power of God," (1 Cor 2:5). 

It is true we can’t do without philosophy since everything has its hidden truth. Philosophy and science are good servants of Christ but they are poor guides when they rule out the power of the Spirit. Without the Spirit of God, we can do nothing.

Christ has placed His good news in our hands and it depends on us how to proclaim. The Second Vatican Council on Decree "Ad Gentes", the Mission Activity of the Church #35-36, brings an awareness of our own responsibility for the spreading the Gospel and fostering our true Catholic spirit in the work of evangelisation in the service of God and charity towards others. 

We ask the Spirit of God to empower us with strength to be salt and light into the world and to rely on His power alone completely for the building of His kingdom on earth. 

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