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Sunday 12 January 2014

The Baptism of the Lord Jesus

Today, we commemorate the baptism of Our Lord. The Church teaches that when Jesus was baptised the Sacrament of Baptism was instituted. When we receive this sacrament, we enter into the Church and receive a call to our personal vocation. We truly become members of the family of God.  

The Church teaches us that Baptism is the most important of all of the sacraments.  Baptism is the gateway through which we enter into the Church community.  No one can receive any of the other sacraments without first being baptised. That is why the day when a person is baptized is more important than when a person is ordained as a priest or bishop. 

In Baptism we are given a share in the mission of Christ. We are to open our eyes and free our hearts by how we witness Christ in this predominantly Malay-Muslims country. No force. No shouting. No criticism. No demonstration. No protest. Our constant life of gentleness, kindness and love will free us to practice our faith. Thus, our baptism is dynamic; it points back to the work of God in us and forward to the life of faith. 

 “This is my Son, the Beloved. My favour rests on Him," (Mt 3:17).

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